SAGITTARIUS consortium

SAGITTARIUS is a large and multifaceted clinical trial project. It is being led by a highly multidisciplinary consortium of data scientists, health and social care experts from 5 different European countries - Italy, Belgium, Estonia, Spain, and Germany. The Consortium works alongside a network of highly qualified cancer centres in Italy, Spain and Germany where the SAGITTARIUS approach will be clinically tested.

SAGITTARIUS Consortium and Clinical Network

The Consortium

The consortium behind the SAGITTARIUS project consists of 8 partners carefully selected on the basis of their specific competences and potential contribution to the project objectives.



IFOM - Istituto Fondazione di Oncologia Molecolare Ets, Italy
Design and management and logistics of SAGITTARIUS clinical trial. Overall project management.
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COGENTECH srl - Consortium for Genomic Technologies Societa Benefit Srl, Italy
IFOM affiliated partner.
Tumor genetic profiling.
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AIRC ETS - Fondazione Airc per la ricerca sul cancro Ets, Italy
Stakeholder engagement, communication, and dissemination of materials.
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Hospital del Mar Research Institute Barcelona, Spain
Clinical trial execution.
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Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Italy
Cost-effectiveness analysis.
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DiCE – Digestive Cancers Europe, Belgium
Stakeholder engagement, communication, and dissemination of materials.
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Sporadata OU, Estonia
Integrated data analysis.
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VHIO – Vall d’Hebron Instituto de Oncología, Spain
Clinical trial execution.
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Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Clinical trial execution.
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